Ongoing Research

These are the main lines of research in which I have been working recently. If you are interested in knowing more about them or want to collaborate with us, please do not hesitate to contact me via my email (

Digital Ricoeur

Objective: Create a comprehensive digital portal to enhance researcher accessibility and analysis of Paul Ricoeur's philosophical corpus

Areas of possible collaboration:

  • Web development

  • Data Modeling

  • Text Digitization

  • Digital Text Analysis

  • Machine Learning for text-based data

For more information:

Software and Metaphors

In collaboration with Prof. Eric Chown - Digital and Computational Studies - Bowdoin College

Traditionally, the most recognizable characteristics of software engineering are related to logical constructs, algorithmic thinking, and mathematical frameworks for optimizations. They are indeed at the heart of the practice. Nevertheless, an exclusive focus on these traits misses a fundamental aspect of the practice relating to its capacity to reinvent and reshape how humans act and experience the world. And this creative dimension has an intrinsically hermeneutical and interpretive dimension.

In this project, Professor Chown and I have been studying how metaphors taken as paradigmatic forms of innovation of meaning are intrinsically linked to the development of new digital technologies. Through a look from the angles of digital studies, hermeneutical philosophy, and cognitive science, we explore the different ways in which software development involves an interpretative activity, and digital artifacts redefine fundamental human experiences through the reframing of crucial aspects such as interpersonal communication, systems democracy, friendship, self-esteem, and personal identity.

Areas of possible collaboration:

  • Hermeneutics

  • Digital and Computational Studies

  • Cognitive Science

  • Theory of Metaphors

  • Computational Linguistics